Rolled off the table 🥇

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I had more than a giggle, Fiona. There were tears of laughter.

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thank for the laugh,

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OMG! Fi 😂,

Sorry not sorry for the laughing face 😊but seriously thank you for lightening up my afternoon. You are certainly not alone in your coolness when it comes to beautician experiences! I laugh with you not at you. ( have been there in that dark room myself 🫤) only lost my dignity not a sock 🤩.

Le x

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😆 I nodded along with pretty much all your experiences! Next time you'll be the coolest kid on the block 😉

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Hilariously funny.

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Thanks for sharing your vulnerability and daggyness, can totally relate 🤭 I’m glad you enjoyed your experience, what a lovely treat from your husband. ❤️

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(I was madly poking away with my pen on my Galaxy Note phone, before I realised I had to confirm I was me, first, BEFORE i could comment... so you're not the only goose 🤭)

Love your SOH... love your slices - ALL kinds. Wish I was closer so I could visit again. Hope all's going well, or as well as it can be!

My coffee 'bushes' from your tiny plants are 50 & 75cm high. Need some advice - any suggestions where I can ask (for Sydney climate), apart from Google? One has about 30+ green fruit on it...

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Yes, I’m an Inner Pickle fan and still here. Bless your husband!

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Bahahaha fantastic retelling! I wish I’d been there! 😆😆

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I recently went to a spa and had the massage/wrap thing so with that pretty fresh in my mind, I laughed out loud Fiona! You are a stand-up via the written word. Thank you so much for your light :)

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I am never going to do that. Thanks so much for going through the humiliation which I can enjoy vicariously.

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I’m very happy for you, having a charming partner who gave you a wonderful experience. I wish I was living on the south coast again so I could see you both at the market, where you live has the most beautiful view & wonderful area, all your lovely animals & gardens. Don’t know if you have been through menopause, the best part I can say was that all the hair on my arms, legs & underarm disappeared, the bad part is that I’m still having hot flushes in Summer not Winter. 🫣

Regards Diane J

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Hi Fi ,

We haven’t meet - however I know much about you from our Jenifer W.

Would you believe we had a facial session today on Jenifer’s sofa - me the beautician - she came up beautifully !🤡

Louise P

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